Prof. Michael A. Hicks线上报告通知(聘请外国文教专家项目)-(2021-01)
发布人:力材实验中心  发布时间:2021-06-08   动态浏览次数:10

报告题目: Recent developments in the reliability-based assessment of regional dykes

报告人:Prof. MichaelA. Hicks, Delft University of Technology


地点:线上会议ZOOMID: 948 0754 2558;密码:123456)或乐学楼832





This presentation will review recent research at Delft University of Technology into the reliability-based assessment of dykes and embankments. This is based on analysing structures using the random finite element method, which takes account of the uncertainty in soil properties due to the spatial variability of soils. The use of the methodology in the assessment of a regional dyke in the Netherlands will be demonstrated.



Michael A. Hicks教授研究领域为岩土工程可靠度分析与风险评估,现任荷兰代尔夫特理工大学地球科学与工程系(Department of Geoscience & Engineering)系主任、岩土工程专业终身教授。Hicks 教授从事岩土工程科学和计算岩土力学领域的研究工作30多年,在岩土本构模型、静态液化、随机场有限元、自适应网格有限元法、物质点法等方面有丰富的研究经验。已毕业和指导了23名博士生和7名博士后,目前指导2名博士后和 8名博士生,从事岩土工程、环境岩土、核废料地质处置方面的可靠度分析与风险评估研究。担任岩土力学领域顶级期刊GeotechniqueComputers and GeotechnicsGeorisk编委,担任6个国际会议或专业委员会主席,主编会议论文集4部,发表学术论文110余篇。